Q: When is a dog toilet a lawn?
A: It's not a lawn and never will be a lawn. It's a dog toilet.
Prior to the last year or so, we have never seen any toilet of any kind being promoted as "no maintenance, no cleaning" etc, and that includes human toilets. Heck, even kitty litter trays need cleaning.
These are dog toilets. They require maintenance (regular fresh grass refills and disinfection of the tray) for hygiene just like every other toilet on the planet! They are not a lawn requiring a green thumb to maintain indefinitely.
The practise promoted by some that fresh grass change out is irrelevant is (in our opinion) either unscrupulous, uneducated, or both. Either way, please do not put your beautiful dogs health at risk. Maintain the hygiene of your grass dog toilet - just as you would do with any toilet really.
Those manufacturers recommending adding extra soil, fertiliser, aeration etc in order to prolong the usage of one patch of grass beyond 2-4 weeks (or indefinitely) don't understand what they are selling. Or maybe they do, and just don't care.
What is even more puzzling about this unhygienic practise of no maintenance and indefinite in-situ grass is that it wont result in a lawn (or anything close to that) either. What will occur: a stinky, sodden composting mess of urine soaked soil and dead grass, with the occasional shoots reaching feebly for the sky - likely trying to escape the toxic biohazard below.
A real grass dog potty is not about growing a lawn. As a caring dog owner, it's all about providing a convenient, no smell, low maintenance hygienic dog toilet solution for your dog.
Regularly changing out grass keeps your dog toilet as hygienic as possible and free from the build of pathogens.
Pathogens include bacteria, viruses or any thing that could make your dog sick. Add urine and poo, and DON'T change out the grass regularly for months on end, then you run the risk of sickness for your dog. Ever watched a dog take a pee? They stick their nose right down on the surface. Ever seen a dog lick their paws? They'll be doing that right after they stand on their grass dog toilet.
Your dog will be much happier and healthier going on a clean toilet - just like us humans - would you not clean your own toilet?
We hope this adds some clear context on our stance that we will never, not ever, recommend, promote or encourage anything BUT THE BEST HYGIENE STANDARDS for your dog.
For those that have been misinformed by some slick marketing, please please consider the health of your dog. You love them too, correct?
To read up on correct hygiene care, please review our Maintenance and Care page.
A huge thank you to all our customers for taking the time to research and understand the importance of hygiene.
We love you guys!